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MGQ3 on the horizon

May 17, 2013

As most of you are probably aware, MGQ3 was just posted on DLSite for its upcoming release at Which, according to the site, should be early June. I’ll make a post on an actual date once there is one… I’ve heard there are some funky things with DLSite’s dates, as they have to go through some sort of vetting process and the dates they put up are sometimes just guesses based on what the producer says and what they think.

Long story short, should be out soon!


MGQ3 will also be the last project I work on. Once it has been completed and supported in terms of bug fixes and patches for a little bit, I’ll be done with the translation scene. But rest assured, as it will be completed!

  1. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you Rogue for everything you’ve translated. You’re a great guy.

  2. Anonymous permalink

    Sweet can’t wait thanks for seeing the translations through the end

  3. I will be sad to see you go Rogue. (must hold back man tears!)

  4. Anonymous permalink

    Hopefully you support additional scenario as well, like what you did on the MCG 2 patch 1.05…

    Let us know also when you pick up a game that piqued your interest. We sure love to see you translate it~~~

    • Anonymous permalink

      He said, for the second time, He’s quitting after MGQ3. Of course he’s also supposed to be doing that one game with Dargoth, though I can’t imagine anyone wants that as much as they might Onesyota or any other more interesting game.

      • AnonS permalink

        onesyota should be easy to translate, it’s just a few textboxes and inter-chapter scenes. I’m surprised nobody translated it yet actually.

  5. Anonymous permalink

    Aww Rogue, we’ll miss you x.x
    Thanks for all your hard work

  6. Anonymous permalink

    gonna miss you sir, oh well all good things come to an end at some point or another.

    Thanks for all the translations!

  7. Anonymous permalink

    Hope you stick around at least so some of us can buy you a drink.

  8. Sylphtastic permalink

    We will all miss you Rogue! This part 3 will be a blast! thanks for all your efforts in the translations!

  9. DonaNobisPacem permalink

    Your name shall live on for eternity as the one who blessed us with MGQ translations.

  10. Anonymous permalink

    Any comments on the Desire Dungeon collaboration with Dargoth?

  11. Softicedragon permalink

    You leave us after mgq3? We will miss you very much. :(

  12. Anonymous permalink

    you will be missed, hope you update from time to time ='(

  13. Anonymous permalink

    ;_;7 Rogue. You’re the best.

  14. Anonymous permalink

    Your invaluable contributions will be missed. Have a good journey Rogue!

  15. john permalink

    how do you work on this kind of game’s?

    • Anonymous permalink

      You must be good at reading Japanese characters(Kanji/Katakana/Hiragana)
      Some programming skills…
      Patience… :P

  16. kainono permalink

    Thank you very much for your hard word Rogue. All your efforts are very appreciated.

  17. Anonymous permalink

    Thank’s Rogue! That made my day, good luck in your future endeavors!

  18. Anonymous permalink

    Wait, so that means you’re not doing VH3? :C

  19. Anonymous permalink

    thank you rogue for everything

  20. GenocideHeart permalink

    Hey, Rogue, good to see you escaped them Korean prisons. :p

    A little less good that you won’t be translating anymore, but I do understand why. I’d say “good luck on your future endeavors”, but being a wrestling fan, I probably shouldn’t.

    (for those who don’t know, in wrestling, “Future endeavor’d” is an euphemism for “fired”)

    …Now try not to get caught by some other villain. I doubt even you can escape from a Siberian prison :p

    • AnonRoy permalink

      I dunno, man… Rogue is Rogue, after all. Siberia might not be able to hold him. Though, better not find out.

      • GenocideHeart permalink

        It’s less the Siberian prison guards that worry me and more the Siberian bears…

  21. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you Rogue for an amazing journey of MGQ that I never thought could exist! You will be missed!

  22. Lowlightt permalink

    Thanks in advance Rogue, we would all love you in a totally gay and homosexual manner if you were into that, but since you are not, we’ll just stick with our gratitude.

  23. Tony Kwee permalink

    Thanks for all the fun Sir Rogue!~

  24. redpanther permalink

    And thus,life goes on.
    Good Luck Rogue.

  25. AnonIt permalink

    Thank you Rogue. You are and you will be always remembered. I loved how you did all your translation. Too bad you decided to stop; at least you are gonna away with a big blast: MGQ3 translation!

  26. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you Rogue, for all your hard work. You more than anyone deserve a good rest.
    God bless you! I hope you will find happiness in life.
    I salute to you!

  27. anonymousss permalink

    we will always remember you rogue whenever we see/play/watch MGQ game and “ah its rogue translation ” goodluck on your life ! and thnks for the everything u done for us

  28. Zabusa permalink

    Thanks Rogue, We`re all grateful for you`r translations, many of us would give you a beer and chat a bit if we found you on the street but as it might be hard, hope you found something good translating these projects, because this community can only give you our thanks and blessing for eternity.

    See you in the next update.


  29. Brave permalink

    Sad to see you go, but glad you stuck with it through the end of MGQ3. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

    Though I should probably save that for later, as it isn’t like I won’t be stopping by here all throughout the translation process.

  30. Snow permalink

    It saddens me to see you be done with the translation business, you were one of the few that started to translate Violated Heroine and Monster Girl Quest.

  31. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you Rogue for everything you did for us. It’s a little sad to know that this will be your last work, but i’ll choke back these manly tears and wish you good luck with your life : )

  32. Techies permalink

    Cya around Rogue
    Live a good life.

  33. Softicedragon permalink

    Would be nice if you post some details about mgq3 after its done. I mean things like the number of words, number of monster girls, etc.

  34. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you for your work! This is awesome news!

  35. Anonymous permalink

    Whenever I get violated by a monster girl I’ll think of you, rouge. <3.

  36. Anonymous permalink

    Sorry to hear about your retirement, but thank you so much for your translations. In addition to being a great work, MGQ seems to have been a major factor in popularizing monster girls in both Japanese and foreign markets. Without you, I wouldn’t have picked up some great works and a handful of new fetishes. I salute you.

  37. Anonymous permalink


  38. Anonymous permalink

    Thanks for all those epic translations!

  39. Anonymous permalink

    Your departure will be a big loss for the translation scene. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, Rogue.

    And above all… thanks for the mammaries.

  40. Anonymous permalink

    love you man

  41. jomppah permalink

    Seems i need to keep up my moon language studies for safe of the future. Thanks for everything Rogue and good luck for everything your gonna do.

  42. Anonymous permalink

    thanks based rouge

  43. Anonymous permalink

    RIP in pieces

  44. Anonymous permalink

    awww the internetz will be a sadder place when you leave it man :_:

  45. Anonymous permalink

    My eyes actually watered when reading that…

    I trust you’re not going to curl up into a ball and collect dust, if there is another scene you’re jumping to that you don’t mind associating with this one please let us follow and support you.

    Thank you for everything

  46. Anonymous permalink

    <3 you Rogue. Thanks for everything/

  47. Anonymous permalink

    Thanks for all you’ve done Rogue, the time you’ve volunteered and the work you’ve done in the translation scene is appreciated! Thanks for sticking through to the end.

  48. Anonymous permalink

    Thanks for sticking through with translating this game.

  49. Anonymous permalink

    Sad to see you go. What will you be doing next?

  50. 光闇 permalink

    I could tell Rogue was getting a little sick of it. He used to post so often and now he doesn’t really care about the anon banter. It’s about time he moved on.
    Rogue, you’ve done something extraordinary; thanks.

    • I always care, deep in the cockles of my heart. It’s more that I have less time, and it’ll be even less soon

      • GenocideHeart permalink

        So… you’re getting married? :p

        …Ok, ok, terrible joke. Sorry :p

      • Anonymous permalink

        I hope you can stop by occasionally on this blog and say hi and stuff. We’re all gonna miss you ;__;

  51. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you Rogue, for making mine and everyone’s days better. Good luck in future endeavors!

  52. Anonymous permalink

    You will be missed. Thanks for all your hard work.

  53. Anonymous permalink

    I salute your hard work Rogue. I hope we still get to see you around once in a while.

  54. kalil permalink

    thanks for your hard work rogue

    there is just onething i want to know

    the “monster girl quest breakfast”

    will you translate it as well?

  55. Anonymous permalink

    Strangely, I cannot find the slightest hint of sadness in my current feelings, so overwhelmingly happy I am knowing that you will see us off with your magnum opus.
    You have long ago inscribed your name in the book of respect of countless people, and I can think of no better close to the Rogue chapter.
    Make it one to be remembered, then enjoy your e-tirement. Cheers, man.

  56. AnonS permalink

    It isn’t just the translations, amazingly a lot of us hang out here. Rogue you should just make a forum. Otherwise we’d all have to find each other on hongfire again like I assume most of us found this one in the first place.

    If you had a forum, you wouldn’t even really need to update much. The only issue of course is that I guess there are server costs and then worries about anonymity. Which is probably why we will all go to hongfire. Or maybe hentai-femdom

    • Anonymous permalink

      You should head on over to Monster Girl Unlimited.

      • gpyei permalink

        doesn’t wordpress have a forums option built in?

  57. Anonman permalink

    I commend you on all your efforts to get this amazing game translated and available to a broad audience, all for free. On behalf of the community, thank you. May your further way be paved with luck and joy.

  58. Kyon permalink

    Honestly, this is the perfect way to stop. This is one of the best Visual Novels I have ever played. One with actual gaming and battling makes for some of the best Visual novels. Monster girl Quest is one of the biggest projects in visual novel translations ever. Battle game play, so many sex scenes. not to mention the tedious work done on translating.

  59. Anonymous permalink


    • AnonRoy permalink

      Rough Translation: “Cheers for Good Work”

  60. Anonymous permalink

    Thx for all your work Rogue. You make me discover my girlmonsterophilia ^^
    Hope you will suceed in anything you undertake.

  61. Tonc permalink

    It sucks to see you go RT. I stumbled upon this looking for a translation for Violated Heroine and was introduced to monster girls so thanks for that and all the time and work you’ve put into translating games for us.

  62. Anonymous permalink

    Thanks for all the work you put in for us Rogue, <3

  63. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you Rogue It was a fun ride while it last it.

  64. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you Rogue It was a fun ride while it lasted.

  65. Crimson permalink

    weren’t it for you, i’d have missed quite the amazing story, and for that you have my endless thanks.

    i wish you the best of luck, and thanks for choosing to go out with a boom! hopefully your life gives you time to make the sequel and return in all your glory.

  66. Aw, damn. You’re leaving? That’s a real shame, Rogue. But you must leave us poor sobs at one point or another, I’m sure… Glad to hear that you’re at least sticking around long enough to finish your epic work on MGQ, though! You truly are an amazing translator, man. I hope you go far in life’s endeavors! Until next time!

    Also, it doesn’t help the fight against the manly tears when I was listening to this song here right when I reached the words “the last project I work on”…

    It just seemed to fit starting around 30 seconds or so for some reason );

  67. The Perv permalink

    I am glad that MQ3 will be released next month but I am sadden to hear that you are quitting after this project. Just because you are one of the best translators out there. Also, if it wasn’t for you taking on the MQ triology, I wouldn’t have probably become so fond of eroge and started playing different titles. So from the bottom of my heart man, thanks for your contributions! Seeing that once this is complete, you will be missed.

  68. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you and good journey.

  69. angellus permalink

    Thanks for sticking thru for full series.

  70. anon permalink

    damn man you will be missed thats for sure, thanks for seeing continuing for the 3rd! no-one could say anything if you just decided to quit and leave MQ3 for someone else to do, but just shows what a class act you are for seeing it through to the end.

  71. GenocideHeart permalink

    There’s a small preview of Monster Girl Saga’s chapter 11 up at Monstergirl Unlimited, for those who care. Complete chapter should be available not too long after that, keyword SHOULD; since my proofreader had trouble with storm warnings today.

  72. Anonymous permalink

    Going to miss your work sir. Thanks for all the hard work.

  73. Anonymous permalink

    I’m already having a bad day… and now Rogue leaving just made it worst…

    • AnonRoy permalink

      Then consider how Rogue has ardently decided to translate the entirety of the final game in the series. Many translators only do one or two games. Rogue has had an excellent run, and garnered a large fanbase that will never forget him. If anything, to the people here, he’s more famous than Torotoro, who actually MADE the Monster Girl Quest games. He has gone farther and done more than most translators, and that is something to be celebrated, not lamented. It’s thanks to him that we english-speakers can enjoy a wonderful series like MGQ. So, celebrate, be happy for him and all he’s done, and look forward to the end.

      Taking an excerpt from one of my own speeches to some of my karate students, “When darkness closes in around you, enemies block every peaceful exit, and the end is near, the best thing you can do is smile. Smile at your life thus far, and remember every joke, happy moment, and worthwhile conversation. Smile at your accomplishments, however small, and feel that deep warmth we all have for our family, friends, and loved ones. Then, with all the bright light of your life behind you, and a smile on your face, descend on the darkness like a grinning madman. Let every ounce of joy you’ve ever felt become your desire to survive and continue living, let it be your need to overcome this darkness. Let the light of your joy fill your body and soul with all the power you could possibly have, and destroy the darkness in your way.”

      tl;dr Be happy for everything that has happened, and face the end like a boss.

      • Anonymous permalink

        Damn. That’s deep.

        • Lowlightt permalink

          Just add
          “fap fap fap fap fap fap”

          sound to the background as you read it, and it brings it back out of the “this is deep” category.

      • Anonymous permalink

        You train some kind of secret agents, RPG heroes or something?

        • AnonRoy permalink

          Just Karate Students, usually kids aged anywhere from 4 to 18, sometimes higher. I’m a Sensei in Toshikan Karate, employed with a BIG youth sports group that focuses on providing sports activities at a cost very affordable for families who don’t make a lot of money. It’s an excellent organization, and I’m glad to be a part of it. However, I’m even happier that I am in a position where I can have an exceedingly positive influence on today’s youth, teaching not only fitness and martial arts, but instilling them with strong traits that modern society sorely lacks; traits like modesty, integrity, perseverance, self control, and more.

          In reality, though, of the many other Sensei I’ve met, of all different styles, the best ones are the ones who take the martial arts out of the Dojo and into reality. The ones who show the kids that what you learn when training applies to daily life. Fitness and Integrity, Etiquette and Respect, Modesty and Control… all have a place in life. And indeed, a life lived as a martial artist is almost always a life well-lived. It’s a life of calm, of peace, and of serenity, as well as joy, contentment, and a deep happiness. A life of honor and valor, of knowledge and wisdom, of great strength and the understanding of when to (and not to) use it.

          In case you can’t tell, I am very passionate about this subject. This is my way to change the world, to influence people for the better. To take children who would grow up to be assholes, and teach them to be hard workers, men and women of honor and virtue. And maybe I’ll only really reach a few kids in my entire lifetime and career as a Martial Artist. But still, it will be a few who will make the world a better place wherever they go. Even if I only teach one child to be thus, one child who will always work to better the world, then I will have done well in my book.

          So yeah. I teach Karate Students, and I love every moment of it. :D

          • Anonymous permalink

            Wow, I thought such devoted teachers exist only in fictional stories.
            If you say truth then your students are really lucky!
            Cheers to you, man!

          • AnonRoy permalink

            If anything, I owe a lot of it to my own instructors. Sensei Josh was incredible in life, and Sensei Jared is impressive today. Both of them have taught me a lot, and I couldn’t possibly take any credit for my own accomplishments without acknowledging the both of them. Oh, and my girlfriend, who is fully capable of kicking my ass, for pushing me forward. I’ve had some very strong influences on me, and I wouldn’t be any sort of awesome without them.

            So, the moral is, strong role models, teachers, and partners will teach you to be strong. Then, it’s your job to pass it along. That’s how the Martial Arts work: The knowledge came to me through my Sensei’s, who received it through theirs, who received it through theirs, and all the way down the line.

            Coincidentally, I’ll be learning the oldest Kata (series of moves performed in the same way every time) still practiced to date over the course of the summer; a Chinese Form called “The 18 Hands of Lo-Han” (possible spelling errors), which was first practiced in about 600 AD. I get to learn a kata that is Fourteen Hundred years old. It’s gonna be awesome. :3 More importantly, though, it shows how knowledge flows down to the students of today, from the masters of ages past. In that sense, being a Sensei is an extremely high honor.

            I need to stop typing out so much… I just get started, and five or ten minutes later, I realize I’ve written a wall of text…

  74. WildHawk permalink

    Ok if Roge is retiring after this fair enough but someone should make a new site to put custome stories and unlike gnome lab stay active and alive or has someone else already done that and if so can sonmeone say so, so i can go there too.

    • Lowlightt permalink

      What custom stories are located on Rogue’s site? You make it sound like this is a repository for MGQ content.

  75. Anonymoose permalink

    Well, I know it isn’t out yet and you’re not officially done yet, but I’d like to say thanks. Thanks for taking time out of your life to translate the series for the rest of us non moonspeak fellows!

    Rogue, you’re one of my favorite people on the planet and I wish nothing but great things in your life! Here’s to hoping you get lucky and find a winning lottery ticket! :D

  76. Sam permalink

    Thanks for all ur hard work. :)
    You’ve done a great job so far with the MGQ series.
    Good luck with your next project

  77. Anonymous permalink

    Thank you Rogue.

  78. I’ve been lurking this blog for a little under a year, and this is my first post.

    Thank you for everything man. You’re amazing, and I hope you go far in life.

  79. Anonymous permalink

    Iliyas be with you rogue.

  80. Anonymous permalink

    Inb4 MGQ4

    • Anonymous permalink

      I can only hope that if there is a mgq4 that rogue will come out of retirement for it.

      • Anonymous permalink

        MGQ4 Translation of the Patriots?
        Rogue in nano costume hiding under box and doing translation?
        That’s would be cool

  81. Flaris permalink

    I must say, thanks so much Rogue for everything!

    It will be sad to have you go, but all your effort has been greatly appreciated. The end of MQ3 will mean just a little bit more knowing this. But really people are just grateful for all you’ve done and I’m just glad you will be throwing yourself back into it for MQ3. You took on this trilogy and have done amazing work.

    So thanks again. Now will just change gears a bit and say thank god we have a window to expect MQ3! Of course will wait for the complete patch from Rogue, but it’s just good to know that the starting point will be reached.

  82. Anonymous permalink

    Rouge I know you seen it a lot but seriously, thanks for hanging in there with us till the end. I’m actually going to be taking Japanese as my 3rd language in college and maybe I might do some translation projects in the near future after a few years of learning. People like you just make me want to contribute back to the community.

    • Otio permalink

      “Contribute”? *scoffs*

      The work Rogue has done among visual novels is, _at best_, a harmless hobby. Its contributions to the society are limited to nothing but the encouragement of impure sexual activities. It is largely thanks to these kind of games why sexual offenders like rapists, pedophiles, and… phagophiles are roaming around the streets. Eww. Simple masturbation is barely tolerable, but only because it could not possibly be illegalized.

      Now, I know that Rogue is just the translator – a great one at that – and that the real culprits are those who originally create this filth. However, his part in spreading it around the western world is clearly undeniable. Indecent activities are always unacceptable, but they are a particular shame when committed by such seemingly clever people. Am I glad to hear that he has decided to repent before it is too late!

      The best of luck with your future careers, Rogue, and I hope you shall never return to this path of damnation.

      • Anonymous permalink

        The fuck are you even doing here?
        I’m really hope this is joke but go kill yourself, if not porn there would be like 1000x more rape attempts because everyone will be unsatisfied
        Japan has one of the largest porn industry and the world’s minimal amount of rape-related crimes.

        • AnonRoy permalink

          “Aaaaaaand there was Anonymous with a half-legible reply to a well written post meant to piss people off. I dunno, Diane, is that considered Trolling?”
          “No, Tom, Trolling is witty and meant to turn one’s argument against oneself.”
          “Huh. Well, learn something new every day. After the weather and some messages from our sponsors, we investigate: Centipedes in your Vagina- it’s more likely than you think. And now to Ollie Williams, with the Black-U-Weather report. Ollie?”
          “IT’S RAININ’ SIDEWAYS!!”
          “Thanks Ollie, and now, a message from our robot overlords.”

      • I am comforted in the knowledge that I leave this world in a worse state than I found it.

        • AnonRoy permalink


          He Came.
          He Saw.
          He Came some more.
          He Translated.
          Shit was worse.

          …That would look awesome on a Tombstone…

      • Anonymous permalink

        10/10 almost convinced you weren’t trolling

      • Anonymous permalink

        I laughed, regardless of the true nature of the post~

  83. Anonymous permalink

    My body is ready!
    Thanks for all your translation work, Rogue :)

  84. Takata permalink

    Always a bit sad to see someone leaving the VN translation scene, but I understand it’s an unpaid job, and a huge sink of time and effort.

    While translating soon after release is the norm for anime, I don’t know any other VNs that were translated as they were released. I think you’ve raised the bar for the VN translation industry. ^^

    I’m quite sure I started reading Monmusu Quest for the femdom. Boys raping girls seemed plain wrong, but the other way around, so right. xD However, I found the story even better, in no small part thanks to your skilled translation of it. ^^

    Please feel good knowing that translating the Monmusu Quest VNs was more than enough for us. Wishing you all the best for whatever will be keeping you too busy to translate VNs. ^^

  85. It’s been grand… well, you rank up there with those folks from NDT as far as translating goes! We all started on this crazy quest, and soon it ends. Who knows, maybe TTR might give you a call, asking to officially commission your translation (heck, it worked for those No Name Losers, so who knows?)
    May your favorite monster girl(s) whisper sweet “hora hora” ever after wherever you go.

  86. Anonymous permalink

    Thanks a lot Rogue for translating this wonderful series. Giving this much time and efforts for the benefit of others is the proof of a great person. Now and forever, people around the world will think of you as their inspiration as they fap.

    • Usopp-san permalink

      That was weird lol. But indeed, He is a great person :D

  87. Your MGQ3 project is really great!

  88. Anonymous permalink

    All men salute! <(,–)/

  89. A Human permalink

    Rouge, you say MGQ3 will be the last project you work on. In that case, will you be leaving Thief&Sword unfinished? The Reika route was never completed, and wouldn’t an unfinished translation taint your EPIC page on the MGQ wiki website?

    • MGQ3 is the last. From the very start, I only ever intended to do Shalt’s route through T&S. I did what I set out to do, and I don’t plan to revisit it.

  90. Usopp-san permalink

    Thanks for everything you have done for the Monster Girl Fans!

  91. Arthas permalink

    Actually, Rogue inspired me to do the same thing. I am studying how to edit VN game files do translate. If I suceed, and find some good VNs, I may try to translate.

  92. JimJam permalink

    “MGQ3 will also be the last project I work on. Once it has been completed and supported in terms of bug fixes and patches for a little bit, I’ll be done with the translation scene.”? Seriously, Rogue? And here I was hoping you would translate that game Kenkou Cross hinted at. As you can clearly see below that art-style is most definitely Kenkou Cross’s. And unlike Toro Toro, Kenkou Cross is the type who takes his time and strives for quality and consistency.

    And if by some slim chance Toro Toro releases after content for MGQ will you return, Rogue? Or will we just have to hope that someone (Dargoth) will take up the call? I saw Part 3’s monster girl lineup and I was VERY disappointed by such nasty looking monsters, poor CG quality, and lack of diversity. Toro Toro also omitted monsters girls that I thought would’ve been a no-brainer!!! If you ever talk with Toro Toro tell him that I didn’t buy Part 3 because it’s even WORSE than the 2 previous installments! >:[

    Lastly, thanks for all your hard work.

  93. Anonymous permalink

    Raise your dongers

  94. Anonymous permalink

    Rogue, Thank you so much.

  95. Anonymous permalink


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  97. Anonymous permalink

    *salutes to Rogue as he disappears heroically into the sunset*

    Good luck on your future endeavors.

  98. Anonymous permalink

    It was great to have such an awsome translator like you here for us Rogue. I wish you great luck in your life and you have inspired me to become a great translator like yourself. Thanks for all your work

  99. Anonymous permalink

    Thank-you so much fro bringing us this great work. You will forever be remembered as one if not the greatest for your efforts. Good Luck and God Speed wherever you may go Rogue. You will be missed by all.

  100. Anonymous permalink

    thx for everything and enjoy youre odinsleep
    mgq is the best!

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